May I Help YOU.... Inspirational and Personal Development Speaker Lynn Rothfuss

Why Lynn Rothfuss Created This Blog

This blog is for YOU.

It was created with You in mind.


It's about learning to comunicate with yourself first, then others.

Personal Development is critical to any business.

Building you first, helping you understand You.

NLP is a subject worthy of your attention.

I will help You understand how to speak and deal with the subconscious mind for lasting results.

Let us move forward and remain in the student mode to learn more.

This blog is dedicated to covering different aspects of running your Business using different stratagies to accomplish your GOALS.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Blue Print 4 Success

Just Get Up One More Time

How many times have you heard stories about people who gave up too soon? They were so close to the finish line and gave up. There are many justifiable reasons given, but the truth is " they didn't feel they deserved success"!

Our beliefs govern our emotions which in return govern our actions or inactions.  Sometimes are not aware of our true deep-seated feelings and thoughts.

Thoughts become feelings, feelings become beliefs, beliefs become emotions that control us in everything we do.

Besides believing we don't deserve success, is our second other important belief,  which so many people have, is an emotional block about money and prosperity. Financial success helps support a balanced life. Financial success can come when we are willing to change our mindset and belief that surround money and wealth. And yes, it can be done! We can change our mindset.

More people than you realize have turned these two negative beliefs about money, wealth and that they deserve success into a belief that they can change and do change their belief. Unfortunately positive, uplifting news that gives hope to the average person, does not sell newspapers or TV news shows.

To find a way of changing behavior, one must look, do research, plan, take steps, action to change their pattern of thinking.

So sad that too many don't understand what drives our behavior and beliefs about money. You only need examine and remember your personal experience with money as you developed and shaped yourself throughout life.

For some, it's too painful. So many give up too soon at the slightest setback or block. Life is full of challenges always testing our consistency of purpose to see who will repeatedly keep getting up after being struck down by life.

I realized early on that just showing up,  I succeeded. I felt the fear, but did it anyway. Whenever I get down, and I do get down, weary, frustrated, I take a deep breath, smile and get up just one more time!

Of course, you should know I got up, just one more time, many times! The thought of just one more time seemed reasonable and doable. Had I known it would have taken 15 times, getting up one more time, would have discouraged me from getting up. That's why I talk to myself  saying, " Lynn get up just one more time girl, you can do it!" And so can you. Try it, you just might surprise yourself and find out how strong a person you really are.

 Drop me a line, email me about your success, I'm interested in hearing the great news.

Lynn Rothfuss

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Who's Talking To Me Now?
 Going with-in to heal wounds and corrupt data

  The voice within are many and pop up when I least expect it.

 Taking an honest, responsible  journey inside, I have discovered many insights about myself and the people who surrounded me to influence my beliefs and pattern of behavior.

When others command or give advice, or suggest because of their position in your life at the moment, it was given as the best they could at the time.

Through  my eyes of experience, there are two sides to come from, door 1 fear side, often corrupt data which can be very negative plus damaging or the door 2, called love. I like door number 2 personally. You always know when you are operating out of love. Love has a different frequency and energy that radiates from your soul. 

You can always tell what side your coming from, although at an particular moment you may not want to change anything about the mood you're  in.

Ever since my teenage years, long before the current term, personal development, I was asking questions wanting to improve my circumstances.
All these years later, that same pattern of behavior, asking myself questions, plays a wonderful part of growing emotionally.

It has been said that ego, a term used to express other than your self worth,a voice that tries to dictate how to make you think. I always thought ego was a good thing, shows how wrong I can be. Ego comes from door #1, fear side. When ever I hear a voice within that shakes my soul I know it comes from ego, fear side. My gut or intuition tell me shake the feeling off, breathe, smile and go to door 2 for guidance. When ever I go against my guidance, I pay the price for not listening. Who says because your older you make wiser choices?

Tomorrow is a new day. Every day I wake and find myself above the ground, I know I can change anything!

Hugs, Lynn

Monday, October 31, 2011

Hitting My Pause Button

In 2007 I sat next to a gifted lady at a seminar for 3 days in Houston, Texas.From time to time Deni has shared her thoughts and messages.I'm hoping to encourage Deni to create her blog soooo........

Today I would very much like to introduce you to the talented Ms. Denise Alvarez author of this article.

Around a week ago, I left my apt to catch the bus to the supermarket. Like many times, I was drained by week's end from my job. I remember having a bad tension headache that, stubbornly, wouldn't go away.

I walked a quick pace to the bus stop because the bus would be coming at any moment, and I've missed quite a few here in Florida when heading somewhere. In my peripheral view, I could see someone cycling down the street, opposite the direction I was walking in. I wasn't going to pay any particular attention to the person headed in my direction, I was on a mission and not in the best of moods.

The cyclist out on the edge of the street approached as I kept my sight and pace fixed. All of a sudden, I hear a voice cheerfully say, "Hello!" Since I usually return a friendly greeting, and not wishing to be rude, I looked in the direction of the voice. A woman who, at first glance, appeared to have some disabilities, was flashing the biggest smile at me, after having cheerfully greeted me. Her eyes and face glowed. I smiled back. The woman continued on her way, as I went on mine.

Simple occurrence, but here is what touched me... This person seemed to be out not just for a bicycle ride but, seemingly, on a mission to greet as many people as she encountered on her ride. She was out to perform a job and she likely did it with tens of people, if not more, before her trip was over. Her smile was something I briefly looked at, but her energy was something that mysteriously clung to me. In an instant, it mellowed me out.

I continued on my trip, boarding my bus, and heading to my supermarket. When I got off my stop, instead of heading straight to the store, I walked down to the St Johns River. I decided to hit the 'pause button' in my day and engage in a little consciousness of the beauty around me. I listened to the lap of the waves hitting the wall I sat on, I felt the breeze caress my skin, and I just took in the stillness of everything else around.

I eventually did get to the supermarket, but not before I had taken a one-hour walk, after sitting there for awhile, and discovered a park nearby. There, I again paused and just breathed, taking in the sounds of the river, as well as children's voices as they played and flew kites. Of course, not surprisingly, my headache kept diminishing in intensity as time wore on.

What a wonderful gift that smile was to me, causing me to hit the pause button in my life, allowing me to indulge in things around me, and allowing me to heal. Amazing that both good and bad energies can cling to us for so long...

Thank you, friends, for listening.


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    List of Books I have Read and Refer to Often

    • How To Be People Smart by Les Giblin
    • Law of Attraction by Michael J. Losier
    • Marketing To Women by Marti Barletta
    • Napoleon Hill's A Year Of Growing Rich
    • Networking with the Affluent by Dr. Thomas J. Stanley
    • Secrects of the Millionare Mind by T. Harv Eker
    • The Dip by Seth Godin
    • The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
    • The Go Giver By Bob Burg and John D.Mann
    • The Greatest Networker in the World by John Milton Fogg
    • The Healing Power Of Enzymes by DR. DicQie Fuller
    • The Leader in You by Dale Carnegie
    • The Millionare Next Door by Dr.Stanley and Dr. Danko
    • The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
    • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
    • Twenty Spiritual Lessons for Creating the Life You Want by Deepak Chopra