May I Help YOU.... Inspirational and Personal Development Speaker Lynn Rothfuss

Why Lynn Rothfuss Created This Blog

This blog is for YOU.

It was created with You in mind.


It's about learning to comunicate with yourself first, then others.

Personal Development is critical to any business.

Building you first, helping you understand You.

NLP is a subject worthy of your attention.

I will help You understand how to speak and deal with the subconscious mind for lasting results.

Let us move forward and remain in the student mode to learn more.

This blog is dedicated to covering different aspects of running your Business using different stratagies to accomplish your GOALS.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Prospect, Presenting, Duplication. - Understanding What is Needed

The Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration

Everything in the Universe vibrates ... nothing rests. “We really do live in
an ocean of motion.” This is where your intuitive factor is used (or should be).
You can use it to pick up other people’s vibrations. When you consciously
become aware of vibrations, you call them feelings. When you feel bad, you
can change your feelings by thinking good thoughts. When you pick up a bad
feeling from another person ... you know they must be thinking disturbing
thoughts. You must not let their negative vibrations affect your way of thinking.

Your thoughts are vibrations that you send off into the universe. When you
concentrate, the vibrations are stronger. Your thoughts are cosmic waves of
energy that penetrate all time and space (vibrations). Thought is the most potent
vibration and remember that you can think ... that makes you a very special
creation (God’s greatest masterpiece.) You should always be delighted with
yourself. (All creation begins in thought.) Your thought controls the vibration
your physical body is in. Dis-ease is a body that is not at ease.

1.Your conscious awareness of vibration is referred to as “feeling” ... therefore,
when you say, “I feel bad,” or “I feel great,” you are declaring that you are
in either a negative or a positive vibration.

2.Mind is movement. The law of vibration decrees that everything moves,
nothing rests.

3.The brain is the instrument you use to move your entire being into a different
vibration. The brain is your vibratory switching station.

4.Your brain will not think, but you think with your brain. Your brain is
something you have to use to improve your life.

5.When you say you “think” or you say you are “thinking something,” what
you are really doing is choosing to activate certain brain cells. They, in
turn, affect your central nervous system and you move into whatever vibration
those particular cells govern.

6.Brain cells are where you store mental pictures or images. If the cells you
activate have sad or negative images, you will move into a negative vibration
and feel bad. If they have happy images, you will move into a positive
vibration and feel good. Choose happy pictures and you must feel good.
Vibration is everything.

The sound of God evolves through the Law of Vibration.
Ignore logic and follow that “gut feeling.” God is speaking to you.

Prosperity Consciousness Lynn Rothfuss Show

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Power of A Dream

Lynn Rothfuss July 5 at 9:44am
The Power of A Dream by Celine Dion is moving and powerful.

First thing in the morning and before I go to bed, I watch this video to keep my dreams in front of me.
During the day when I need a boost, again I watch this video to remind me of my Dream.

Keep your dream alive. I want many people to met me on the TOP.
What a joy for me to get to know so many wonderful people!

Let's continue to help change people's lives.


Are You A Library Card Holder?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Letter for Mother's Day Delivered to Mom almost 50 Years Later Lost in Mail System

A Navy Wave wrote home to her mother while away at Dental Tech. School in California.

Strange as it may seem, the letter was lost in mail system for almost 50 years. When local post office went to renovate building, a bag of mail was found that was never delivered.

May 1963

Dear Mom,

Dental Tech School is long and hard, but I am holding my own.

With your birthday and Mother's day so close this year, I thought I would design a card just for you.

Mom, these words are from my heart to your heart.

Thank you for being my Mom.

Thank you for always believing in me.

Thank you for not telling Dad when I messed up on my report card in my senior year.

Thank you for understanding I needed to join the Navy to grow up and be on my own.

Thank you for taking me to Sunday School each Sunday, with Aunt Mary.

Thank you for signing me up for tap dancing lessons, knowing I had two left feet.

Thank you for my allowance of $5 a week, I know it put a strain on your budget with Dad not always working.

Thank you for showing me how to clean a house properly. Here at the base, it sure has come in handy.

I love you Mom, I just don't know how to deal with Daddy anymore. Believe me when I say, I left home to find myself and become a person who helps others. What ever job I end up in, I want to be just like you Mom. You are always so caring and understanding. You make a difference to any one who comes into your store, for a bottle of milk, newspaper, or just to speak with you.

I have watched you in your candy store , be treated poorly by some and some who skipped out on their bill. Mom, you never once complained or even got angry.You said they must need it more than us.

The family that you help support monthly down south, with ten dollars you send faithfully, even though we struggle ourselves.

Thank you Mom for being my role model. I Love You Mom.

Your Daughter,


The 18 year old was me. That was many moons ago. My Mom never received the letter, so I went to her grave with flowers and read it to her.

My mother was my best friend, oh, how I miss her.

If your Mom is still alive, let her know while she can still hear and see you, how much love and gratitude is in your heart.

My family, like many, was dysfunctional, but still I loved them and freed myself from future quilt by letting them know I may not like their behavior, but I loved them.

I'm most grateful for all my life's experiences. They have made me what I am today. They were all blessings in disguise to help me grow. Challenges are there to give us an opportunity to change and grow into the person we are meant to be.

Your Partner in Success

Lynn Rothfuss

Friday, April 30, 2010

What are Sugar Alcohols ?

What are Sugar Alcohols?

Nutrition is Mother's Helper.

Vitamark International is not just another Vitamin Company, it's a mind set to deliver information
to help affiliates and customers make an intelligent decision.

Jana Mitcham, Executive Vice President over sees
the formulation of our products and a column posted on Vitamark's website.

Here is just one example of a question an affiliate had.

What Are Sugar Alcohols?
from Jana Mitcham
"If you've looked lately at the Nutrition Facts panel on a pack of sugar-free gum or candy… it contains Sugar Alcohol. Don't let the name fool you… it is neither sugar nor alcohol."
—Yale-New Haven Hospital

What are Sugar Alcohols? Affiliate Jim Jackson recently asked this question when he noticed that they were an ingredient of the Appetizer Diet Cookie. Here Jana Mitcham responds to Jim's question:

Dear Jim,

Sugar alcohols (according to the "Yale-New Haven Hospital Nutrition Advisor") occur naturally in foods and come from plants (depends on the type of sugar alcohol) such as fruits, vegetables, seaweed, cereals, mushrooms, and berries. They are not the same as alcohol nor do they contain ethanol (found in alcoholic beverages) and they are not artificial sweeteners. They are used as sweeteners and bulking agents in place of sugar because they generally are just as sweet as sugar, contain fewer calories (about 1/2 to 1/3), don't cause tooth decay like sugar, are converted to glucose more slowly than sugar, require little or no insulin to be metabolized and don't cause sudden increases in blood sugar. Yale-New Haven points out that this makes them popular with diabetics; and thus are found in many "sugar free" hard candies, cookies, chewing gums, soft drinks, toothpastes, mouthwashes and throat lozenges.

The most common side effect (reported with consumption of in excess of 15 grams and also common with over-indulgence with fruit sugars and fruit juices) is the possibility of bloating or a laxative effect--again when eaten in excessive amounts. The American Diabetes Association claims that sugar alcohols are acceptable in moderate amounts--over-indulgence does provide calories and carbohydrates.

The common sugar alcohols are mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, lactitol,isomalt and maltitol. You will often see them in foods posting a "Net Carbohydrate" count. A "Net Carbohydrate " count for low carbohydrate dieters is the total number of carbohydrates in a product less carbohydrates from fiber and sugar alcohols. This is due to the slower manner in which it converts to glucose and the fact that it doesn't cause sudden increases in blood sugar. Thus, the Appetizer Diet Cookie, which has a total carbohydrate count of 22 grams, would only count as 11 Net Carbohydrates (subtract out the 3 grams of carbs from sugar alcohols and 8 grams from fiber). This is especially important for people following Atkins or other low carbohydrate diet guidelines.

Once again, sugar alcohols are neither sugars nor alcohol—it is just that part of their structure resembles sugar and the other part is similar to alcohol. They are naturally occurring: Mannitol comes from pineapple, olives, asparagus, sweet potatoes or carrots and Xylitol from fruit, cereals, mushrooms, etc. Different sugar alcohols come from different natural sources.

Your Partner in Nutrition

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to Improve Your Internet MLM Presense in Google Search Engine

How to Improve Your Internet Presence and Brand Yourself

Wow, you would be surprised what one can learn when, we take the time to Listen to a information packed short call.

A good friend and business partner, Richard Dennis, hailed as a top copy writer in the industry, posted a call he did on getting Top Ranking in Google Search Engine.

All I can say is WOW. I followed his instructions, and WOW let me say that again, WOW, the responces I received blew me away!

The short call is only 32 minutes, packed with great info, so have your pen and paper handy. You will notice also when you click on the link, find the words……MLM WORDS, you will be directed to a PDF file of 2 pages of GREAT info.

Take advantage of audio and experience the positive, flood of responces you get, it will amaze you!

So simple, yet so easy not to do.

Soooooo I’m going to challenge you to listen to recording and then do One, just one little posting using what Richard explains to do.

Let me know how successful you were. Would love to post and share with others that success is easy when you take action steps.

Email me for quick MP3 file or call 908-510-5939

Until we meet again, have a great proserous day.

Your Partner in Success


Sunday, January 3, 2010

What's On Your Mind?

There is a saying, " Energy Flows Where the Mind Goes"

Wow a powerful statement.

When you understand what it means, your personal growth changes for the better every day.

What's on your mind? Powerful thoughts? Growing Thoughts? Pictures in your mind where you want to be? What kind of house you want to live in?
How you want to look?

Our Mind tells the subconscious in words or pictures what we see for ourselves in the present moment.

The subconscious works only in the present moment.

So, living in the past, repeating negative stories and memories pull us down. The universe will give you what ever you Focus on.

What are you FOCUSING ON?

Our job is to put in our Order, the Universe's job is to Deliver!

When we put strong Feelings mixed with Action, our subconscious and Universe now understand we are serious about the commitment we have made.

Keep, keeping on. Don't stop or quit.
Always remember, you are always just three feet away from any Goal.

You can get up just one more time!

I Believe in You.

Have a Successful Day
Lynn Rothfuss

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    List of Books I have Read and Refer to Often

    • How To Be People Smart by Les Giblin
    • Law of Attraction by Michael J. Losier
    • Marketing To Women by Marti Barletta
    • Napoleon Hill's A Year Of Growing Rich
    • Networking with the Affluent by Dr. Thomas J. Stanley
    • Secrects of the Millionare Mind by T. Harv Eker
    • The Dip by Seth Godin
    • The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
    • The Go Giver By Bob Burg and John D.Mann
    • The Greatest Networker in the World by John Milton Fogg
    • The Healing Power Of Enzymes by DR. DicQie Fuller
    • The Leader in You by Dale Carnegie
    • The Millionare Next Door by Dr.Stanley and Dr. Danko
    • The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
    • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
    • Twenty Spiritual Lessons for Creating the Life You Want by Deepak Chopra