May I Help YOU.... Inspirational and Personal Development Speaker Lynn Rothfuss

Why Lynn Rothfuss Created This Blog

This blog is for YOU.

It was created with You in mind.


It's about learning to comunicate with yourself first, then others.

Personal Development is critical to any business.

Building you first, helping you understand You.

NLP is a subject worthy of your attention.

I will help You understand how to speak and deal with the subconscious mind for lasting results.

Let us move forward and remain in the student mode to learn more.

This blog is dedicated to covering different aspects of running your Business using different stratagies to accomplish your GOALS.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Are You In A 5 Pillar Company?


When this question was first posed to me, I didn't have a clue as to what they were asking.

I felt stupid and embarresed that as a business owner, even though part time, I didn't have an answer.

The thought went through my mind, how serious are you, Lynn at being a business owner that you don't know? What other information should I know?

From that day, I got an education in MLM 101 using a system that claimed to be free.

They also talked about the other business skills neded to be successful in Network Marketing, that no one else talkes about

1.Compensation Plans,
2.Business Model drives the behavior in the field,
3.Color Personalities and how it pertains to MLM business,
4.How to get free leads for your business,
5.Target Marketing.

WOW all this for FREE?!!
I could not believe it, could this be possible?

All this is done by calling in and connecting to a conference bridge, listen and take notes. They even have a Replay line 24/7.

Wait, it gets better. I found a Mentor for Free. My mentor who shares and holds me responsible for my action plans made by me. A friend of mine, is paying $$$$ Big Bucks for a mentor.

The best part about having a mentor is two fold, one helps me stay focused, and two, helping me a better mentor to my team. It's so great to discuss and talk things over with some one out side my family. Someone who is where I want to be.

Success leaves footprints! I'm so thrilled I answered that one e-mail that changed my business life for the better.

Here's to Your Continued Success. Please read, I hope this helps you as much as it has helped me. It's all about sharing information helping others.

This is a service industry, we are here to SERVE!

Any questions or comments, write or call / 908-510-5939


Pillar 1. Does the company management have integrity?

Do a Google search on the company owner(s).
If the owner has had any experience in building a network marketing downline then the compensation plan with be "Distributor minded".
The plan will be easy to build a business with, there will be an excellent support system in place.

If however, the owner(s) have never built a downline, it will show in the compensation plan which will be "Company minded".

Distributors will find it very difficult to make money if they can at all.

Another thing to consider is the Policies & Procedures.
Are they readily available to read before you sign up?
If not, they may have something to hide.

For instance, one company I recently was looking at, (insurance) in the P&P's, if you had someone purchase a policy from you and they later canceled, you had to pay the difference.

This is something they will not share openly, but will cost you greatly in the end.

Pillar 2. Timing in the company; Timing in the industry!

Approximately 92% of new companies fail.
If the company does not own it's own software program, they will have problems with it most of the time.

They will have to hire someone to tweak it here and there, they will not be able to maintain the website themselves.

This can be very costly. It is preferred to join a company that has been in business for 2 years or more.

Timing in the company - should the company your with be past the growth phase - it will be very difficult to build a large business - the right company should be entering or in the momentum phase of their growth

Pillar 3. MLM products!

Most companies do have remarkable products.
You need to ask your self this question, "would you buy the product yourself if there was not a business opportunity involved?"

If you join this company do you get a discount? If so, what is the product really worth?
This type of behavior indicates a Recruiting mentality.
If you are only recruiting, you are only building a temporary paycheck.
You have to have retail sales to develop a true residual income.

Think of it this way, a stock broker sells stocks, but if no one buys from the store what good are the stocks? You have no outside income coming in.

Pillar 4. Network Marketing Compensation Plan.

A good compensation plan is one that pays the most with the least amount of people in your downline.
Does the plan pay on your total volume, or does it pay on specific numbers of levels, or stop after a set depth.
Does it pay part-timers?
Do you make money on retail sales? If it is less then 7%, that will kill you!!
There is a simple formula that will show
you exactly how many people you will need in your organization, to make your desired monthly income.

How much money do you make per person, per spot, and divide that by your desired month income.
This simple formula will give you the exact number of people you will need in your organization.
Once you have that figure, ask yourself if this is something you think you can reasonable achieve.
Then ask your self is this something that your team will be able to achieve as well.
Is this system duplicateable, can you teach others to do it with in reason?

Pillar 5. MLM Systems for Success!

It is absolutely imperative that you have a system that is duplicateable.
PEOPLE are not duplicateable, SYSTEMS ARE!!

So when your new distributor asks, "can I do this, and will you help me" will you be able to?
Network marketing is about building relationships and trust.

People join People, they do not join COMPANIES!! If they do they do not stay long.

1 comment:

Deb Bixler said...

Hi Lynn,
Nice article. Picking a network marketing company to join requires thought and you put out a good format for looking at a company before jumping in.

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    List of Books I have Read and Refer to Often

    • How To Be People Smart by Les Giblin
    • Law of Attraction by Michael J. Losier
    • Marketing To Women by Marti Barletta
    • Napoleon Hill's A Year Of Growing Rich
    • Networking with the Affluent by Dr. Thomas J. Stanley
    • Secrects of the Millionare Mind by T. Harv Eker
    • The Dip by Seth Godin
    • The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
    • The Go Giver By Bob Burg and John D.Mann
    • The Greatest Networker in the World by John Milton Fogg
    • The Healing Power Of Enzymes by DR. DicQie Fuller
    • The Leader in You by Dale Carnegie
    • The Millionare Next Door by Dr.Stanley and Dr. Danko
    • The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
    • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
    • Twenty Spiritual Lessons for Creating the Life You Want by Deepak Chopra